
I have an AWS EKS cluster named xyz-cicd in the regios Ohio(us-east-2) which I had created using the eksctl command like below:-

eksctl create cluster --name xyz-cicd --region us-east-2 --fargate

It took some time to create a cluster with a default profile however I want to create a new profile for the same cluster so I ran the following command which is giving me an error:-

vinod827@Vinods-MacBook-Pro cicd % eksctl create fargateprofile \
  --cluster xyz-cicd \
  --name cicd \
  --namespace cicd
Error: fetching cluster status to determine operability: unable to describe cluster control plane: ResourceNotFoundException: No cluster found for name: xyz-cicd.
  RespMetadata: {
    StatusCode: 404,
    RequestID: "c12bd05c-3eb6-40bf-a972-f1cba139ea9a"
  Message_: "No cluster found for name: xyz-cicd."
vinod827@Vinods-MacBook-Pro cicd %

Please note there is no issue with the cluster name or region. The cluster does exists in this same region but not sure why the eksctl command is returning the error stating no cluster found with the same name. I can schedule a pod on the default profile if that were the case. Please advise, thanks


1 Answers


Your second command is missing the region parameter and therefore probably using a different region. That is why it not finding your cluster.