I'm writing a custom help command that sends a embed DM to a user, that all works fine. As part of the command, I'm trying to make the bot react to the command message but I cannot get it to work, I've read the documentation but I still can't seem to get it to react as part of a command. Below is the what I'm trying to achieve:
async def help(ctx):
# React to the message
author = ctx.message.author
help_e = discord.Embed(
help_e.set_author(name='The bot\'s prefix is !')
help_e.add_field(name='!latency', value='Displayes the latency of the bot', inline=False)
help_e.add_field(name='!owo, !uwu, !rawr', value='Blursed commands', inline=False)
await author.send(embed=help_e)```