
So, I've making some code that will allow me to log edited messages to a certain channel. Here is the code:

async def on_message_edit(message_before, message_after):
    embed=discord.Embed(title="{} edited a message".format(message_before, message.author), description="", color=0xFFFF00)
    embed.add_field(name= message_before.content ,value="This is the message before the edit:", inline=True)
    embed.add_field(name= message_after.content ,value="This is the message after the edit", inline=True)
    await channel.send(embed=embed) 

However, when I run the code, I get the error message:

Ignoring exception in on_message_edit Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\jackt\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\discord\client.py", line 333, in _run_event await coro(*args, **kwargs) File "C:\Users\jackt\Desktop\bot.py", line 92, in on_message_edit embed=discord.Embed(title="{} edited a message".format(message_before, message.author), description="", color=0xFFFF00) NameError: name 'message' is not defined

What part of the code do I need to change, and what do I need to change about it? Thanks.


2 Answers

discord.Embed(title="{} edited a message".format(message_before, message.author), description="", color=0xFFFF00)

should actually be

discord.Embed(title="{} edited a message".format(message_before.author.name), description="", color=0xFFFF00)

The reason you got the message is not defined error before is because you added a comma here: message_before, message.author. This makes python think that they're two different statements, making it try to access the message variable (which does not exist).

Instead, you should access the message_before object. I added .name to retrieve the name as just using .author would just add a User object. If you want to just mention the user, then you can replace .name with .mention.

Edit: Also add @bot.event at the top of the function so it gets called on a message edit. The code should look like this:

async def on_message_edit(message_before, message_after):
    discord.Embed(title="{} edited a message".format(message_before.author.name), description="", color=0xFFFF00)
    embed.add_field(name= message_before.content ,value="This is the message before the edit:", inline=True)
    embed.add_field(name= message_after.content ,value="This is the message after the edit", inline=True)
    await channel.send(embed=embed) 

Your using message.author in the first line of you definition:

embed=discord.Embed(title="{} edited a message".format(message_before, message.author), description="", color=0xFFFF00)

However message was never declared, hence the "not defined" error your getting

One fix for this could be using: message_before.author.name