
Trying to restore TFS 2018 databases on new server, same configuration Windows Server 2016, SQL 2017 Ent.

I have restored all the databases, when I run TFS Admin Console I this error.

The specified configuration database (TFS_configuration) was created using language (2057) that is currently not installed.

SQL Server language: English (United States) Default language on DB is: English

Log file says.......

[Info   @18:55:14.401] +-+-+-+-+-| Running VerifyLanguageInstalled: Verifying that the selected language is installed |+-+-+-+-+-
[Info   @18:55:14.402] 
[Info   @18:55:14.402] +-+-+-+-+-| Verifying that the selected language is installed |+-+-+-+-+-
[Info   @18:55:14.402] Starting Node: VLANGINSTALLED
[Info   @18:55:14.422] Node returned: Error
[Error  @18:55:14.423] The specified configuration database (Tfs_Configuration) was created using a language (2057) that is currently not installed.
[Info   @18:55:14.423] Completed VerifyLanguageInstalled: Error

enter image description here

No clue on how to resolve this issue.

Check sys.syslanguages, the code 2057 refers to British English which is missing in your scenario. You should install this language before configuring the new server.LoLance
Change the default language(Database) to British English and try it again.LoLance
sys.syslanguages has British - LCID 2057, mslangid 1033 Tried changing language to English / British English same error. I have set everything to English now, same errorAMB
I have set everything to English now, same error. What if you change everything to British English? And what's the default language for your original windows server system?LoLance
I believe I figured out the root cause, when I query the config DB SELECT TOP (1000) [PartitionId] ,[ParentPath] ,[ChildItem] ,[RegValue] FROM [Tfs_TFSConfiguration].[dbo].[tbl_RegistryItems] where RegValue like '%2057%' AND ParentPath = '#\Service\Integration\Settings\' I updated the value for "InstalledUICulture\" from 2057 to 1033 and retried the configuration, it was successful.AMB

1 Answers


Thanks to AMB for sharing and confirming.

For error like The specified configuration database (Tfs_Configuration) was created using a language (xxxx) that is currently not installed, we should check the Tfs_Configuration database itself.

We can use SQL Query like below to find InstalledUICulture item:

SELECT TOP (1000) [PartitionId]
FROM [Tfs_Configuration].[dbo].[tbl_RegistryItems] where ParentPath = '#\Service\Integration\Settings\'

enter image description here

Edit the RegValue and set it the language ID of target Database's language and this issue would go away.