I have a spark dataframe and need to do a count of null/empty values for each column. I need to show ALL columns in the output. I have looked online and found a few "similar questions" but the solutions totally blew my mind which is why I am posting here for personal help.
Here is what I have for code, I know this part of the puzzle.
from pyspark.sql import *
After running it, this is the error I receive AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'isnull'
What's interesting is that, I did the same exercise with pandas and used df.isna().sum()
which worked great. What am I missing for pyspark?
Then I went further and as an example its showfilter
is being used. I have no clue what that even is. – wallyColumn
isn't aDataFrame
: "Column: A column expression in a DataFrame"? – Timus