I'm trying to create a user-defined function that takes a cumulative sum of an array and compares the value to another column. Here is a reproducible example:
from pyspark.sql.session import SparkSession
# instantiate Spark
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
# make some test data
columns = ['loc', 'id', 'date', 'x', 'y']
vals = [
('a', 'b', '2016-07-01', 1, 5),
('a', 'b', '2016-07-02', 0, 5),
('a', 'b', '2016-07-03', 5, 15),
('a', 'b', '2016-07-04', 7, 5),
('a', 'b', '2016-07-05', 8, 20),
('a', 'b', '2016-07-06', 1, 5)
# create DataFrame
temp_sdf = (spark
.createDataFrame(vals, columns)
.withColumn('x_ary', collect_list('x').over(Window.partitionBy(['loc','id']).orderBy(desc('date')))))
temp_df = temp_sdf.toPandas()
def test_function(x_ary, y):
cumsum_array = np.cumsum(x_ary)
result = len([x for x in cumsum_array if x <= y])
return result
test_function_udf = udf(test_function, ArrayType(LongType()))
temp_df['len'] = temp_df.apply(lambda x: test_function(x['x_ary'], x['y']), axis = 1)
In Pandas, this is the output:
loc id date x y x_ary len
a b 2016-07-06 1 5 [1] 1
a b 2016-07-05 8 20 [1,8] 2
a b 2016-07-04 7 5 [1,8,7] 1
a b 2016-07-03 5 15 [1,8,7,5] 2
a b 2016-07-02 0 5 [1,8,7,5,0] 1
a b 2016-07-01 1 5 [1,8,7,5,0,1] 1
In Spark using temp_sdf.withColumn('len', test_function_udf('x_ary', 'y'))
, all of len
ends up being null
Would anyone know why this is the case?
Also, replacing cumsum_array = np.cumsum(np.flip(x_ary))
fails in pySpark with error AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'flip'
, but I know it exists as I can run it fine with Pandas dataframe.
Can this issue be resolved, or is there a better way to flip arrays with pySpark?
Thanks in advance for your help.