We have an Openshift project ( project1 ) in which we setup an AMQ Artemis broker using the image : amq- amq-broker-7-tech-preview/amq-broker-71-openshif . Being the basic image we don't have any configuration such as SSL or TLS. In order to do the setup we used as example : https://github.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-amq-7-broker-openshift-image/blob/amq71-dev/templates/amq-broker-71-basic.yaml
After the deployment of the image on Openshift we have the following:
- broker-amq-amqp (5672/TCP 5672) No route
- broker-amq-jolokia (8161/TCP 8161) https://broker-amq-jolokia-project1.
- broker-amq-mqtt ( 1883/TCP 1883 ) No route
- broker-amq-stomp ( 61613/TCP 61613 ) No route
- broker-amq-tcp ( 61616/TCP 61616 ) No route
From another Openshift service, in Java we try to connect to the broker but we receive the following error :
[org.apache.activemq.transport.failover.FailoverTransport] (ActiveMQ Task-1) Failed to connect to [tcp://broker-amq-amqp-project1.] after: 230 attempt(s) with Connection refused (Connection refused), continuing to retry.
The Java code:
user = "example";
password = "example";
String address = "queue/example";
InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
queue = (Queue) context.lookup(address);
ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) context.lookup("ConnectionFactory");
try (Connection connection = cf.createConnection(user, password);) {
session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
The JNDI Properties file