
I have searched and haven't found anything about this online nor in the manual.

I have setup addresses and use both multicast to several queues and an AnyCast to a single queue (All durable queues). To this I have connected Diverts created in the API in runtime.

The diverts works great when sending messages. BUT when I restart the ActiveMQ Artemis instance the Diverts are deleted. Everything else is in place. Just the Diverts are deleted.

Any ideas on how to keep Diverts after a Restart?


1 Answers


Diverts created via the management API during runtime are volatile. If you wish to have a divert which survives a broker restart you should modify the broker.xml with the desired divert configuration.

Of course, the current behavior may not work for your use-case. If that's true then I would encourage you to open a "Feature Request" JIRA at Artemis JIRA project. Furthermore, if you're really committed to seeing the behavior change you can download the code, make the necessary changes, and submit a pull-request (or attach a patch to the JIRA). Checkout the Artemis Hacking Guide for help getting started.