I'm trying to implement this first example from Sipser's theory of computation, and am getting a yellow highlighting which is indecipherable. How does one debug these constraint errors in Agda generally, and in my example specifically? Are there any successful techniques for avoiding them in the first place? SipserExample1
below produces this mess:
_r2_61 : rule Sipser1 [ at /home/wmacmil/agdaFall2019/constructiveTypeTheoriesNLSem/TT_course/agda_files/toy.agda:60,18-23 ]
_r3_62 : rule Sipser1 [ at /home/wmacmil/agdaFall2019/constructiveTypeTheoriesNLSem/TT_course/agda_files/toy.agda:60,18-23 ]
_r2_66 : rule Sipser1 [ at /home/wmacmil/agdaFall2019/constructiveTypeTheoriesNLSem/TT_course/agda_files/toy.agda:60,28-33 ]
_r3_67 : rule Sipser1 [ at /home/wmacmil/agdaFall2019/constructiveTypeTheoriesNLSem/TT_course/agda_files/toy.agda:60,28-33 ]
———— Errors ————————————————————————————————————————————————
Failed to solve the following constraints:
_r2_66 ++ inj₁ A0 ∷ _r3_67 = inj₁ A0 ∷ []
: List (CFG.V Sipser1 ⊎ CFG.Σ' Sipser1)
(blocked on _r2_66)
_r2_66 ++ (inj₁ B0 ∷ []) ++ _r3_67 = _r2_61 ++ inj₁ A0 ∷ _r3_62
: List (CFG.V Sipser1 ⊎ CFG.Σ' Sipser1)
(blocked on any(_r2_61, _r3_62, _r2_66, _r3_67))
_r2_61 ++ (inj₁ B0 ∷ []) ++ _r3_62
= inj₂ a0 ∷ map inj₂ (a0 ∷ a# ∷ a1 ∷ a1 ∷ [])
: List (CFG.V Sipser1 ⊎ CFG.Σ' Sipser1)
(blocked on _r2_61)
Here is the code that produces the yellow. The CFG is a simple record, and I define the manystep reduction relation on lists of terminals and non-terminals. generation
just allows the user to prove a list of terminals is admitted by a given CFG.
module toy where
open import Data.List
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_ ; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; _,_)
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Empty
binRel : Set → Set → Set₁
binRel A B = A → B → Set
record CFG : Set₁ where
V : Set -- non-terminal, or variable
Σ' : Set -- terminals
R : binRel V (List (V ⊎ Σ'))-- rules
S : V -- start symbol
module ManyStep where
open CFG
rule : CFG → Set
rule cfg = List (V cfg ⊎ Σ' cfg)
data ↦* (cfg : CFG) : rule cfg → rule cfg → Set where
refl : {r : (rule cfg)} → ↦* cfg r r --∀ {σ : Σ' cfg} → {!!}
trans : {r1 r2 r3 : (rule cfg)} {v : V cfg} {X : (rule cfg)} → R cfg v X
→ ↦* cfg r1 (r2 ++ (inj₁ v) ∷ r3)
→ ↦* cfg r1 (r2 ++ X ++ r3)
derives : (cfg : CFG) → rule cfg → Set
derives cfg x = ↦* cfg (inj₁ (S cfg) ∷ []) x
generates : (cfg : CFG) → List (Σ' cfg) → Set
generates cfg xs = derives cfg (map inj₂ xs)
open ManyStep public
data V0 : Set where
A0 : V0
B0 : V0
data Σ0 : Set where
a0 : Σ0
a1 : Σ0
a# : Σ0
data _⟶_ : V0 → List (V0 ⊎ Σ0) → Set where
r0 : A0 ⟶ (inj₂ a0 ∷ inj₁ A0 ∷ inj₂ a1 ∷ [])
r1 : A0 ⟶ (inj₁ B0 ∷ [])
r2 : B0 ⟶ (inj₂ a# ∷ [])
Sipser1 : CFG
Sipser1 = record { V = V0 ; Σ' = Σ0 ; R = _⟶_ ; S = A0 }
SipserExample1 : generates Sipser1 (a0 ∷ a0 ∷ a# ∷ a1 ∷ a1 ∷ [])
SipserExample1 = trans r1 (trans r1 (refl {Sipser1} {inj₁ A0 ∷ []}))
The correct solution is actually, with some insight from @Jesper, is:
SipserExample1 : generates Sipser1 (a0 ∷ a0 ∷ a# ∷ a1 ∷ a1 ∷ [])
SipserExample1 = trans {r2 = inj₂ a0 ∷ inj₂ a0 ∷ []} {r3 = inj₂ a1 ∷ inj₂ a1 ∷ []} r2
(trans {r2 = inj₂ a0 ∷ inj₂ a0 ∷ []} {r3 = inj₂ a1 ∷ inj₂ a1 ∷ []} r1
(trans {r2 = inj₂ a0 ∷ []} {r3 = inj₂ a1 ∷ []} r0
(trans {r2 = []} {r3 = []} r0 refl)))