In AgdaIntro, the view section explains :
..that with doesn’t remember the connection between the with-term and the patterns.
That means when you defines
data False : Set where
record True : Set where
isTrue : Bool -> Set
isTrue true = True
isTrue false = False
infixr 30 _:all:_
data All {A : Set}(P : A -> Set) : List A -> Set where
all[] : All P []
_:all:_ : forall {x xs} -> P x -> All P xs -> All P (x :: xs)
satisfies : {A : Set} -> (A -> Bool) -> A -> Set
satisfies p x = isTrue (p x)
data Find {A : Set}(p : A -> Bool) : List A -> Set where
found : (xs : List A)(y : A) -> satisfies p y -> (ys : List A) ->
Find p (xs ++ y :: ys)
not-found : forall {xs} -> All (satisfies (not � p)) xs ->
Find p xs
And you want to prove
find1 :{A:Set}(p:A->Bool)(xs:ListA)->Find p xs
find1 p [] = not-found all []
find1 p(x::xs) with p x
...| true = found [] x {!!} xs
...| false = {!!}
The type of the hole ({! !}) is isTrue (p x), even though we already matched on p x and found out that it was true.
The compiler is not aware that we did pattern match on p x and asks us for a proof that p x is true !
This motivates the introduction of a new type, the
..type of elements of a type A together with proofs that they are equal to some given x in A.
data Inspect {A : Set}(x : A) : Set where
it : (y : A) -> x == y -> Inspect x
inspect : {A : Set}(x : A) -> Inspect x
inspect x = it x refl
With this type, the function find can be written :
trueIsTrue : {x : Bool} -> x == true -> isTrue x
trueIsTrue refl = _
falseIsFalse : {x : Bool} -> x == false -> isFalse x
falseIsFalse refl = _
find : {A : Set}(p : A -> Bool)(xs : List A) -> Find p xs
find p [] = not-found all[]
find p (x :: xs) with inspect (p x)
... | it true prf = found [] x (trueIsTrue prf) xs
... | it false prf with find p xs
find p (x :: ._) | it false _ | found xs y py ys =
found (x :: xs) y py ys
find p (x :: xs) | it false prf | not-found npxs =
not-found (falseIsFalse prf :all: npxs)
NOW, If I want to prove the following property :
predicate : ∀ {A : Set} {p : A -> Bool } {xs : List A } ->
All (satisfies' p) (filter p xs)
I will have the same issue as with find, so I need pattern match on inspect to get a witness, but i ALSO need to have the compiler to progress on filter in the case p x == true
If I do some parallel pattern matching, the compiler treats them as independent expressions
predicate {A} {p} {xs = []} = all[]
predicate {A} {p} {xs = x :: xs} with p x
predicate {A} {p} {x :: xs} | px with inspect (p x)
predicate {A} {p} {x :: xs} | true | it true pf = {!!}
predicate {A} {p} {x :: xs} | true | it false pf = {!!}
predicate {A} {p} {x :: xs} | false | it true pf = {!!}
predicate {A} {p} {x :: xs} | false | it false pf = {!!}
How can I tell the compiler that the two branches are linked somehow ? Should I add a proof of it ?