
I'm trying to reproduce a very simple coq proof from Programming foundations in agda, and was told I need to use the with inspect to prove a contradction from the pattern match on the (bool) decideablity of a string with itself. I'm getting the below error, and the documentation doesn't even give a proper program using with with inspect. Why is this type inference incorrect, and how can I resolve my error?

module Maps where

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; cong; subst; trans; sym; inspect)
open import Data.String using (_++_; _==_; _≟_; String)
open import Data.Bool using (T; Bool; true; false; if_then_else_)

-- Coq-- Theorem eqb_string_refl : forall s : string, true = eqb_string s s.
eqbstringrefl' : (s : String) →  true ≡ (s == s)
eqbstringrefl' s with inspect (s == s) 
... | false with≡ eq = {!!}
... | true with≡ eq  = {!!}

The (s == s) is highlighted red and yields the following error

Bool !=< (x : _A_70) → _B_71 x of type Set
when checking that the inferred type of an application
matches the expected type
(x : _A_70) → _B_71 x

2 Answers


The inspect function in the standard library has the following type:

inspect : ∀ {A : Set a} {B : A → Set b}
          (f : (x : A) → B x) (x : A) → Reveal f · x is f x

As you can see, it takes two explicit arguments: a function f and a value x. The user manual has a section on how to use the inspect idiom, specifically the second example uses essentially the same definition of inspect as the standard library.