So after spending many hrs. to debug issue found Major "BUG" into AWS Cognito Let me explain Step by Step
I have created an AWS Cognito pool in the Mumbai region Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
ap-south-1 which uses SNS text messages to send OTP messages.
Requested Mumbai region SNS to increase Limit to 100 USD
Everything was working fine for a few days and suddenly all SMS text messages stopped.
Debug Steps :
- Uses following link and no issue found in 100 $ limit only 2 $ is used.
- I have created a new Cognito pool with the same configuration into the same Mumbai region and try to send message no message sent by AWS Cognito pool.
3) I have created a new Cognito pool with the same configuration into the different N Verginia region and try to send messages ,messages sent without issue.
- I have used the Mumbai region SNS and found no issue in the message.
So where is the issue ?
In my case AWS Cognito internally uses Singapore region to send SMS text messages and where my Limit is 1$ since I am using Mumbai region Cognito should use Mumbai region not Singapore region.
Unfortunately, there is no public documentation available for users to know which is the closest region to the one they have selected. Upon sending SMS text messages. After raising request for all Asia Pacific region issue is resolved .
Sad part after raising question in AWS forum no help received from
AWS, they > are looking to buy support , since nothing explain in Doc
and this is AWS bug should be documented and support by AWS.
Customers are losing business just because of AWS fault.