
Power BI Dax question:

I have the following table:


How can i have a running calculation using a measure which sums the 5 previous rows from "Status" column? See the photo below for the idea in excel


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

You Time column holds all same date. So how order order data to define last 5 rows? You must have some other column like - ID or Index to apply the ordering.mkRabbani

1 Answers


You can add an extra column and do a top5 filter.

SumStatusLast5 = 
VAR curDate = yourTable['TIME']
VAR allRowsBefore = FILTER(yourTable, curDate >= yourTable['TIME'])
RETURN CALCULATE(SUM[Status], TOPN(5, allRowsBefore, yourTable['TIME']))

In the first step I get the curDate of the row In the second step I get all rows where the date is equal or smaller In the last step, I take the top5 of those returned rows and sum them together