I have created two slicers in Power BI for Month and Year. These take the month and year value and in return generate a date.
Eg. Month - May & Year- 2019 generates 01/05/2019 with the help of the a measure formula :
MyFilterDate = DATE(SELECTEDVALUE(ListoY[Year]),SELECTEDVALUE(ListoM[Month],0),"01")
I want to subtract this date with one that is already in a column in the table.
I'm facing an issue when I try to subtract the measure from the existing column by writing DAX.
SUBVALNEW = DATEDIFF([MyFilterDate],Table[Date],DAY)
But when I try to do so, the result is not right. In fact when I try to check the value of [MyFilterDate] in the Data Model, it is not the same value as one calculated in the measure. (It instead looks like it displays the date in Table[Date])
Is there any way to subtract a Dynamically chosen date from a date in a column?
Any help would be appreciated.