
I decided to host my self portfolio on AWS so I done following steps.

  1. Host it on s3 (everything OK)
  2. Buyed domain in route53
  3. Created A type record to point my domain to s3 (everything OK)
  4. Generated public certificate in ACM for domains: *.mywebsite.com, mywebsite.com
  5. Created CloudFront distribution and with following setiings
    • ORIGIN DOMAIN NAME: links to s3 (everything OK)
    • CNAMES: www.mywebsite.com, *.mywebsite.com, mywebsite.com
    • used custom certificate made in step 4
  6. Created another CNAME record that points *.mywebsite.com to cloudfront url

and as I am totally happy about how things works when i go on website with subdomain like:

All of those work great redirect it to my website throught https protocol but the issue is when I try to reach my website without subdomain like that mywebsite.com thats go through http protocol and for https I end up with ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT, so I tried adding another CNAME record for name mywebsite.com and got an following error:

Error occurred Bad request. (InvalidChangeBatch 400: RRSet of type CNAME with DNS name mywebsite.com. is not permitted at apex in zone mywebsite.com.)

Any ideas how to get around that issue?

I am not really into networking and configuring those type of stuff, so I would appreciate any tips if I done something wrong.

@edit: tried adding A type record with name mywebsite.com to www.mywebsite.com and received:

(InvalidChangeBatch 400: Tried to create resource record set [name='mywebsite.com.', type='A'] but it already exists), there is already one linking to S3

CNAME record can't be used for apex domain. Should use Alias record for that.Marcin

2 Answers


AWS's doc describes this scenario. ie-

You can't create a CNAME record at the top node of a DNS namespace, also called the zone apex (such as example.com). If you're creating a record for the apex domain to point to AWS resources, you can use an alias record instead of CNAME.

Alias Records

So, you can use an Alias record with type A instead of CNAME to get around the error you're seeing.


You have a problem in Step 3). The apex domain points to the S3 bucket, which should point to the CloudFront distribution.

Here's how it should look like:

Route53: ACM certificate CNAME, A record => cloudfront CloudFront: ACM certificate + alias for mywebsite.com, Origin: S3 bucket S3 bucket: host the files

Note that only A records (and AAAA, if you want IPv6) point to CloudFront, and there is only 1 CNAME record that is used by ACM to validate the domain.