How to setup AWS cloudfront with lightsail for WordPress? (on a subdomain)
- I'm using Route 53 for all DNS management. I'm using a static IP from lightsail,
- Route 53 has an A record for using an ALIAS to the cloudfront domain name.
- Route 53 has an A record for pointing to the lightsail static IP
- Cloudfront has an origin domain name of
- Cloudfront Origin Protocol Policy is HTTP Only.
- Cloudfront Alternate Domain Names is
- Cloudfront SSL Certificate is the one issued by Route53 for *
- Cloudfront Viewer Protocol Policy is Redirect HTTP to HTTPS.
This solution does not work:
The cloudfront distribution does resolve the lightsail server but over http, it does not use the certificate I attached... Should I use redirect http to https?
Also, if I click 'login' it redirects to i.e. the DNS that I assigned for the purpose of orgin domain name to cloudfront. The WordPress "WP_SITEURL" and "WP_HOME" settings somehow automatically reflect the DNS
And also, the DNS name resolves the lightsail server (which I don't want because I want all trafic to the wordpress server to go via How to avoid this?
Background and what I tried:
My lightsail (WordPress) server does not show up in the "Origin Domain Name" dropdown list when creating a new distribution. So what should I do? The only AWS description on this topic that I can find is not clear on that to me.
Using the servers fixed IP address as "Origin Domain Name" in cloudfront is not allowed. So I created a DNS record in Route 53 ( to point to the static IP of my lightsail server. And I added this DNS record as "Origin Domain Name" in cloudfront (also including a https certificate * And I selected the cloudfront distribution as A record, type alias, in Route 53. The cloudfront Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) is .
So I also tried creating the as A record (DNS) in Route 53 pointing to the static IP of the WordPress lightsail server. But then I cannot create the same as alias A record...
So I am stuck... Please advice? Many thanks in advance! Wouter
PS: points to a cloudfront distribution with a certificate which points to a static site in a S3 buckets and works fine.