
I wanna give Alamofire request with the following

var postParameters=[
    "x" : "value1",
    "y" : "value2",
    "y" : "value3"

How do I achieve this?.

I can't give it as any collection. I am in need to give it as a separate parameters only.

Any hint will be helpful for me. Thanks in advance.

enter image description here

This sounds like an XY Problem. Why do you think you need to do this? What are you trying to do with such a dictionary?Sweeper
i have to send Api request with these kind of parametersAmutha Priya
Then either it's a really badly written API, or you have misunderstood the documentation. Can you give a link to the API docs that tells you that you need a dictionary with 2 of the same keys?Sweeper
It's impossible to do that. Assigning value second to key(y) will replace the previous one.Anis Mansuri
@AmuthaPriya I recently came across a similar API that was accepting URL encoded parameters and multiple values for the same key. Luckily Alamofire can do this just fine. See my answer.gcharita

2 Answers


It's not possible to create dict like that in iOS, instead, you can do multiple API calls.


While there is no possible way of creating a dictionary with duplicate keys, there is a way to pass these kind of parameters to your server by using an array:

let postParameters: [String: Any] = [
    "x" : "value1",
    "y" : ["value2", "value3"]

then when you call request function of Alamofire, you pass a new instance of URLEncoding as encoding parameter and specify the way that you want to encode arrays, like this:

    method: .post,
    parameters: postParameters,
    encoding: URLEncoding(arrayEncoding: .noBrackets)