I'm using Moya Swift framework for networking layer which is constructed on top of Alamofire.
Currently, I'm trying to send request with URL encoded parameters that have same keys.
i.e. http://some-site/request?param=v1¶m=v2¶m=v3
I've already tried to group these params into Set or NSSet or Array like this but nothing helps to achieve desired result.
["param": ["v1", "v2", "v3"]];
["param": Set(arrayLiteral: "v1", "v2", "v3")]
Any help would be appreciated either with Moya or with Alamofire itself.
Edit: Here is some sample code to give basic idea:
Api Router setup
import Moya
// MARK:- Enum Declaration
enum ApiRouter {
case XAuth(login: String, password: String)
case SomeRequest(params: [String])
// MARK:- Moya Path
extension ApiRouter: MoyaPath {
var path: String {
switch self {
case .XAuth:
return "/authorization"
case .SomeRequest:
return "/some-request"
// MARK:- Moya Target
extension ApiRouter: MoyaTarget {
private var base: String {
return "http://some-site"
var baseURL: NSURL {
return NSURL(string: base)!
var parameters: [String: AnyObject] {
switch self {
case .XAuth(let login, let password):
return [
"email": login,
"password": password
case .SomeRequest(let params):
return [
"params": params
var method: Moya.Method {
switch self {
case .XAuth:
return .POST
case .SomeRequest,
return .GET
var sampleData: NSData {
switch self {
case .XAuth:
return "{}".dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
case .ServiceRequests:
return "{}".dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
Api Provider setup
let endpointsClosure = { (target: ApiRouter) -> Endpoint<ApiRouter> in
let endpoint = Endpoint<ApiRouter>(
URL: target.baseURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent(target.path).absoluteString!,
sampleResponse: EndpointSampleResponse.Success(200, { target.sampleData }),
method: target.method,
parameters: target.parameters,
parameterEncoding: parameterEncoding(target)
switch target {
case .XAuth:
return endpoint
let token = "some-token"
return endpoint.endpointByAddingHTTPHeaderFields(["Authorization": "Bearer: \(token)"])
func parameterEncoding(target: ApiRouter) -> Moya.ParameterEncoding {
switch target {
case .XAuth:
return .JSON
case .SomeRequest:
return .URL
let apiProvider = MoyaProvider(endpointsClosure: endpointsClosure)
apiProvider.request(ApiRouter.SomeRequest(params: ["v1", "v2", "v3"], completion: { (data, statusCode, response, error) in
/* ... */
. It has nothing to do with POST and other stuff, just plain GET request with same param keys using Moya or Alamofire framework. Do you know how to achieve this? – Voronov Alexander