I have 2 .NET Core 3.1 WebJob in a single solution. I am able to build each of the Webjobs and created the .zip files for each job in which the folder structure is in the below format :
TestJob_1.zip --- App_Data\jobs\continuous\TestJob_1
TestJob_2.zip --- App_Data\jobs\continuous\TestJob_2
Now, in order to deploy both of my webjob, I have added 2 "Azure App Service Task", pointing to same App Service, and given the folder location as below for each of my webjobs repectively.
Now, if I run my Release pipeline, all my tasks are successfully completed. And when I checked in my App Service, I see only the TestJob_2 is published.
And after these, I disabled the task related to TestJob_2 webjob and run the pipeline only with the task for TestJob_1, and now when I checked, TestJob_2 webjob is replaced by TestJob_1 webjob & I can able to see TestJob_1 but not TestJob_2.
Please help me here.