
I have 2 webAPI’s written in .net core 2.2.The 2 web api’s are triggered by web jobs which are console Apps in .netcore 2.2. They are all different projects and in different repositories in Azure DevOps.

I am trying to deploy the web Api's together with the webjob into 2 web app services(eg: WebApi1 + Web job1 into App service1 and WebApi2 + Web job2 into App service2) in Azure using the Azure DevOps build and release pipelines.

I am able to add the webjobs manually into App Service from Azure portal and it works fine.But I want to deploy it using Azure DevOps pipelines.

I tried different ways to publish the web jobs(console apps) with the web api in the app service, like trying to publish it to App_Data folder from Azure DevOps.

I mainly followed the blog below.


But when I try to publish the webjob it overwrites the web api code(all the 4 projects have seperate build/release pipelines). The webjob code gets deployed in the site/wwwroot folder rather than the site/job folder.

enter image description here

My Build steps:

enter image description here enter image description here

My Release steps:

enter image description here

I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Is there a way to copy the webjobs files into the same app service without overwritting the actual webapi code?


2 Answers


I asked this question a while on github repo azure-webjobs-sdk but the answer didn't help me as well...

i tried the following and it worked out for me:

  1. In Azure Portal navigate to: App Service > Configuration > Path mappings > Virtual applications and directories

enter image description here

  1. In DevOps configure your build pipeline like: enter image description here

  2. configure your release pipeline like: enter image description here

configure the task:

enter image description here


I got it working by following below steps sequentially -

  1. Deploy Webjob using App Service Deploy task which has below setting for deployment method -

enter image description here

  1. Deploy API using App Service Deploy task which has below settings -

enter image description here

After these two steps, API and webjob work seamlessly in same app service.