I receive a 409 error when trying to update a planner task, with the following error detail ... "The attempted changes conflicted with already accepted changes. Read the latest state and resolve differences."
It seems to happen every time I try to update the planner task. I can literally create a new task, then try to update it and it immediately throws the 409 error. No one has changed anything on the Microsoft side. If I wait a few minutes, the same error occurs.
What's interesting is that if i run the update literally twice, back to back ... the second time it does accept the change without error.
The URL is: "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/planner/tasks/" & $microsoftplannerTaskID
CURL OPTIONS are: "-X PATCH " & " -H "Authorization: Bearer " & $$userToken & """ & " -H "Content-Type: application/json"" & " -H "If-Match: W/\"" & $microsoftPlannerTasketag &"\""" & " -d @$PlannerTaskDetails" & " -D $responseHeaders" //returns error codes
the $PLANNERTASKDETAILS are: "{ " & ""bucketId": "" & #MicrosoftBucketID & "", " & ""title": "" & #title & "", " & ""dueDateTime": "" & $dueDateTimeFormatted & "" " & "}"