When I run this command in Cygwin per [1] and [2], I get back an Access_Token:
curl -X POST -d 'grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=[myClientId]&client_secret=[myAppSecret]&scope=openid profile User.ReadWrite User.ReadBasic.All Sites.ReadWrite.All Contacts.ReadWrite People.Read Notes.ReadWrite.All Tasks.ReadWrite Mail.ReadWrite Files.ReadWrite.All Calendars.ReadWrite' https://login.microsoftonline.com/[myTenantId]/oauth2/token
When I later try to use that access_token in this trivial query, I get an error:
Access token validation failure. Invalid audience
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer [accessTokenFromPreviousCommand]" https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me
If I run the https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me query inside Microsoft Graph Explorer, it works correctly. I can also use the Network tab of my internet browser to grab an existing access_token and use that grabbed token in the second cURL command to get back the expected results; however, I have not yet figured out how to successfully take the access_token returned from the first cURL command and use it in the second cURL command.
I did talk to a fellow developer internally about this and he mentioned that I look at [2], but I'm still a bit confused.
Will someone kindly show me what I am doing wrong in the above two cURL commands?
[1] - Mauri, Davide
Calling Azure REST API via cURL
May 4, 2018 [Online]
[Accessed: December 3, 2019]
[2] - Woods, Jackson; Graham, Laura; Guzman, Celeste; Angelgolfer; Wike, Ryan; and possible future contributors
Authentication and Authorization Basics for Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Docs - Microsoft Graph
September 19, 2019 [Online]
[Accessed: December 3, 2019]