I would like to write a VPI/PLI interface which will open audio files (i.e. wav, aiff, etc) and present the data to Verilog simulator. I am using Icarus at the moment and wish to use libsndfile to handle input file formats and data type conversion.
I am not quite sure what to use in the C code ... have looked at IEEE 1364-2001 and still confused which functions am I supposed to use.
Ideally I'd like to have a verilog module with data port (serial or parallel), clock input and start/stop pin. I'd like to implement two modules, one for playback from from a file, and another would record output from a filter under test.
Can I do it all in C and just instantiate the module in my testbench or I'll have to write
a function (say $read_audio_data
) and wrapper module to call it on each clock pulse ??
Hm, or may be I need to create the module and then get a handle for it and pass value/vect to the handle somehow ?
I am not quite concerned about how file names will be set, as I probably
wouldn't do it from the verilog code anyway.
And I will probably stick to 24-bit integer samples for the time being and
supposed to handle conversion quite nicely.
Perhaps, I'll stick to serial for now (may be even do in the I2S-like fashion) and
de-serialise it in Verilog if needed.
Also I have looked at Icarus plug-in which implements a video camera that reads PNG files, though there are many more aspects to image processing then there is to audio. Hence that code looks a bit overcomplicated to me at the moment - neither I managed to get it to run.