I am using react for front end along with .net core in backend. I am told to to use visual studio 2019 to work with .net core and this is the first time I am using visual studio. I installed react + redux template and I am wondering how can I add npm packages such as react-table
or @material-ui/core
in my project ? Can I just straight add to dependencies
inside package.json file like "@material-ui/core": "version"
and will it automatically install when I save ? And also how do I uninstall npm packages as well ?
1 Answers
To install npm packages into your project just simply use
npm install <package name>
To uninstall you use
npm uninstall <package name>
You need to use these commands within the terminal. You can open a integrated terminal window in vscode: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal