I am able to copy (using CTRL-C) and paste programmatically a file from the clipboard when the file copied to the clipboard is for example a file on the desktop. This is simple enough using the following syntax:
File.Copy(Clipboard.GetFileDropList()[0], savePath)
where Clipboard.GetFileDropList()[0] returns the path of the copied file and savePath is the paste location.
However, i find that the above syntax does NOT work if the copied file (using CTRL-C) is a file attachment in an Outlook email. In that scenario, Clipboard.ContainsFileDropList() returns false and Clipboard.GetFileDropList()[0] results in the following error message:
"ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index"
This is despite the fact that pressing CTRL-V does successfully paste the file, confirming that the file was initially successfully copied to the clipboard.
Sorry if i missed something very basic. My question is how to programmatically paste/save an email attachment (PDF, Word, etc...) from the clipboard to a file location when that email attachment was copied into the clipboard using CTRL-C from within Outlook.
Note that i do understand that what i am trying to do can be solved by skipping the Clipboard and interacting programmatically with Outlook to access a selected email attachment. However, my goal here is to learn how to interact programmatically with the Clipboard under different scenario.
at least with outlook files when you press copy. You can get a list of files and data using the code in the example – TheGeneral