
Someone created a nice email template in outlook and sent it to me for automation.

I opened the email in HTML, and used that HTML to recreate the exact email images, formatting and all.

I can send this email out just fine, but I was then asked if I could save all the email files in a folder so that one could click on it and have it open up in their outlook (a .msg file).

I can save my email as an .mht and .elm file, but neither will open in outlook.

Seemed like an easy request...

  msgRoot = MIMEMultipart('related')...
  msgAlternative = MIMEMultipart('alternative')

  msgText = MIMEText('no alternative text version')

  msgText = MIMEText("""
  ...#too much going on here to paste. formatting and attaching images.

The part where I can successfully save this as .mht file:

  with open("C:/LOCAL/test/"+var+'.mht', 'w+') as out:
        gen = email.generator.Generator(out)

Is there an easy way to just save this as the .msg file so that it opens in the client? Like a preloaded email file. You open it, it's addressed etc... just need to hit send.

Save it on your Computer folder or Outlook folder?0m3r
Save it to my computer folderuser3486773

1 Answers


Work with SaveAs Method [MSDN] with OlSaveAsType to get the correct file format


import win32com.client

Outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application")
olNs = Outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Inbox = olNs.GetDefaultFolder(win32com.client.constants.olFolderInbox)
SubFolder = Inbox.Folders["folder name"]

for Item in SubFolder.Items:

        Item.SaveAs("D:\\Temp\\email.msg", 3)  # OlSaveAsType 3
    except Exception as e:


| olDoc        |  4 | Microsoft Office Word format (.doc)   |
| olHTML       |  5 | HTML format (.html)                   |
| olICal       |  8 | iCal format (.ics)                    |
| olMHTML      | 10 | MIME HTML format (.mht)               |
| olMSG        |  3 | Outlook message format (.msg)         |
| olMSGUnicode |  9 | Outlook Unicode message format (.msg) |
| olRTF        |  1 | Rich Text format (.rtf)               |
| olTemplate   |  2 | Microsoft Outlook template (.oft)     |
| olTXT        |  0 | Text format (.txt)                    |
| olVCal       |  7 | VCal format (.vcs)                    |
| olVCard      |  6 | VCard format (.vcf)                   |