

I'm really new to discord.py and am trying to figure out how to retrieve a list of people in a discord server channel. I'm working on a command that would randomly separate the channel into two different calls, but I am wondering how I would retrieve the members in a voice channel, create a list of the members, randomly split them, and lastly move the members.

My main concern right now is just retrieving a list of members into a list [] format

this is what I have so far:

async def team(ctx):
    team_select = [discord.VoiceChannel.members(ctx.guild.channels, id=742871631751282829)]

^ this code, which I'm using to gives me the error: "TypeError: 'property' object is not callable"

https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#discord.VoiceChannel.members is not a function. You may be using the wrong APIBadu
maybe you should rather use get_channel(id) and later get .members - like team_select = ctx.guild.get_channel(742871631751282829).membersfuras

2 Answers


You can do this by using discord.utils.get. Here is an example. you can also use await bot.fetch_guild(guild_id) to get the guild object instead of ctx.guild

Note: bot.fetch_guild require you to use discord.ext.commands

async def voice(ctx):
    VC = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.channels, id=705524214270132368)
    print(VC.members)  # each user is a member object
    for user in VC.members:
        # Code here

You can do this by VoiceChannel.members, but some things should be changed from Abdulaziz's answer.

1.Use Bot.get_channel()

  • Use bot.get_channel if you have channel's ID or Guild.get_channel if you know in which Guild the channel is and have its ID, utils.get should be called only when you don't have ID.

  • get_ methods are O(1) while utils.get is internally a for loop, therefore O(n).

  • If you're not familiar with big O notation, O(1) means operation time is the same with any number of items while O(n) is linear, the more items there are, the longer it takes.

  • Read more about O(n) vs O(1) here.

2. Use Bot.get_guild()

  • fetch_guild is an API call and can get your bot rate-limited soon while get_guild is not an API call.

  • Using the Guild object returned by fetch_guild will not give you the guild's channels.

  • Read more about it in the documentation here.

Here is the revised code:

async def team(ctx):
    vc = ctx.guild.get_channel(742871631751282829)
    await ctx.send("\n".join([str(i) for i in vc.members]))