In my shell script, one of the variable contains set of lines. I have a requirement to get the two lines info at single iteration in which my awk needs it.
var contains:
12 abc
32 cdg
9 dfk
98 nhf
43 uyr
5 ytp
Here, In a loop I need line1, line2[i.e 12 abc \n 32 cdg] content and next iteration needs line2, line3 [32 cdg \n 9 dfk] and so on..
I tried to achieve by
while IFS= read -r line
count=`echo ${line} | awk -F" " '{print $1}'`
id=`echo ${line} | awk -F" " '{print $2}'`
read line
next_id=`echo ${line} | awk -F" " '{print $2}'`
echo ${count}
echo ${id}
echo ${next_id}
## Here, I have some other logic of awk..
done <<< "$var"
It's reading line1, line2 at first iteration. At second iteration it's reading line3, line4. But, I required to read line2, line3 at second iteration. Can anyone please sort out my requirement.
Thanks in advance..