I have tried creating a VPC twice now and both times it's errored out with:
There was an error creating your VPC: Unable to find main route table for vpc: vpc-02de8520acae014f4
I've tried using the following settings:
- Used the wizard to choose public + private
- IPv4 CIDR: (no IPv6)
- VPC Name: myvpc
- Public subnet:
- AZ: us-east-1a
- Name: Public Subnet A
- Private subnet:
- AZ: us-east-1a
- Name: Private Subnet A
- NAT gateway:
- Elastic IP Allocation ID: (entered an elastic ip I created)
I can't seem to find any more info beyond that error. This is a new AWS account and I've never created anything else in here. I'm on an account that has the AdministratorAccess policy.