I have been debugging, configuring and you name it the last couple of hours and i can't seem to figure out why this is happening.
I am trying to invoke a lambda function which is just retrieving basic information from ec2. when i test this lambda function in the aws console it seems to be working fine. However, invoking it in another lambda, using following code;
BasicAWSCredentials awsCreds = new BasicAWSCredentials("key1" , "key2");
AWSLambdaClientBuilder builder = AWSLambdaClientBuilder.standard()
.withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(awsCreds));
AWSLambda client = builder.build();
InvokeRequest req = new InvokeRequest()
InvokeResult result = client.invoke(req);
it simply times out. No response whatsoever... Both Lambdas are connected to the VPC and all subnets
I think it is my new VPC that is causing this problem. My VPC is consisting of:
1 VPC .
-2x Subnets (1x Private with ipv4, 1x Public with ipv4
-1x IGW Connected to the Private subnet.
-1x NAT Gateway connected to the Public subnet .
-2x Endpoints (One for Ec2, One for SecretsManager)
I have also configured two route tables,
One for the "public" subnet:
"Routes" ->
Destination: Target: local
Destination: Target: My Internet Gateway(IGW)
One for the "private" subnet:
"Routes" ->
Destination: Target: local .
Destination: Target: My nat
I have made sure both of my Lambdas is running on the same VPC, they are both using the same security group:
This is my first time working with VPC so it is possible that i have missed something.