
I have two projects in the solution. One of them is a debug lib, which should be built only in Debug workspace configuration. In VS I can just disable the 'Build' checkbox in Configuration Manager.

enter image description here

But I need this to be done with Premake 5.0, which include all project in build by default. I tried to use filter by configuration, but this didn't worked for me.

solution "Workspace"


project "Application"
    language "C++"
    kind "ConsoleApp"


filter "configurations:Debug"   

project "DebugLib"
    language "C++"
    kind "StaticLib"

filter {}

Maybe this way could for me, but I didn't find how to make if condition with solution configuration.

How can I achieve this behaviour with Premake?


3 Answers


I am assuming here but should you not be able to just to this workspace use configmap to manage this?


use the filter.

project "Application"
   configurations { "Release" }
   kind "ConsoleApp"
   targetdir "bin/%{cfg.buildcfg}"
    filter "configurations:Release"

as shown here https://github.com/premake/premake-core/wiki/kind

and I pretty sure you can use https://github.com/premake/premake-core/wiki/Build-Settings to get the appropriate settings to have control of the platform needed.

you can also probably just use defines keyword as well that basically goes.


I have dived into project kind and find out that None kind can suit my needs.

A configuration which is not included in the build. Useful for projects containing only web pages, header files, or support documentation.

I changed my config, and put kind under the filter by configuration, which solved the problem. Not it looks this way:

project "DebugLib"
    language "C++"
    filter "configurations:Release" 
        kind "None"
    filter "configurations:Debug"
        kind "StaticLib"
    filter {}

I see that you have already marked an accepted solution but I thought I would leave this here in the hope of helping future searchers.

I needed my project to be a utility project so that I could still manually compile items from within the project, which I could not do if the project kind is changed to 'None'.

So I ended up adding this.


premake.api.register {
    name = "buildenabled",
    scope = "config",
    kind = "string",
    allowed = {
-- \modules\vstudio\vs2005_solution.lua
premake.override(premake.vstudio.sln2005.elements, "projectConfigurationPlatforms", function(base, cfg, context)
    if context.prjCfg.buildenabled and context.prjCfg.buildenabled == "Off" then
        return {
        return base(cfg, context)

Then inside a project you want to disable the build you just add

buildenabled "Off"

to disable the project.

It's very rough but might help others find a solution that works for them.