I am working on a e-commerce project and want to build faceted search in it. I have been able to create different kinds of filters using the $facet operator. One of the tags is colors. Say I search for dress and I get a list of dresses with their possible colors. .ie. colors ["RED","BLUE","ORANGE"]. Now when I select "RED" all the other colors go away coz mongo filters for "RED" "DRESS".
But I want to show "BLUE" and "ORANGE" as options so that they can be selected as well. How to do this?
"$lookup": {
"from": "inventories",
"localField": "colors.sizes.sizeId",
"foreignField": "sku",
"as": "inventory"
"$project": {
"productId": 1,
"name": 1,
"description": 1,
"brand": 1,
"mainImage": 1,
"colors": 1,
"currency": "HK$",
"availableOnline": 1,
"sellingPrice": 1,
"created": 1,
"status": 1,
"tags": 1,
"available": {
"$sum": "$inventory.available"
"$match": {
"status": "active",
"productId": {
"$in": [
"$addFields": {
"__order": {
"$indexOfArray": [
"$match": {
"tags.colors": {
"$in": [
"$match": {
"sellingPrice": {
"$gte": 96,
"$lte": 47000
"$facet": {
"category": [
"$unwind": "$tags.category"
"$sortByCount": "$tags.category"
"color": [
"$unwind": "$tags.colors"
"$sortByCount": "$tags.colors"
"size": [
"$unwind": "$tags.size"
"$sortByCount": "$tags.size"
"season": [
"$unwind": "$tags.season"
"$sortByCount": "$tags.season"
"brand": [
"$sortByCount": "$brand"
"price": [
"$unwind": "$tags.price"
"$group": {
"_id": null,
"max": {
"$max": {
"$toDouble": "$tags.price"
"min": {
"$min": {
"$toDouble": "$tags.price"
"location": [
"$lookup": {
"from": "inventories",
"localField": "colors.sizes.sizeId",
"foreignField": "sku",
"as": "inventory"
"$lookup": {
"from": "locations",
"localField": "storeId",
"foreignField": "storeId",
"as": "shops"
"$unwind": "$shops"
"$unwind": "$shops.stores"
"$sortByCount": "$shops.stores.name"
"data": [
"$project": {
"productId": 1,
"name": 1,
"description": 1,
"brand": 1,
"mainImage": 1,
"colors": 1,
"currency": "HK$",
"availableOnline": 1,
"sellingPrice": 1,
"created": 1,
"__order": 1
"$sort": {
"__order": 1
This is how the product schema looks like
{"_id":ObjectId("5f1bd013a945ba002914cb8f"),"created":ISODate("2017-03-22T00:00:00.000Z"),"updated":ISODate("2020-07-25T06:22:41.000Z"),"isPhotoUploadable":true,"status":"active","productId":"4","tags":{"colors":["BLACK","DARK RED","RED"],"size":["42.5","43"],"category":["SHOES","SLIP-ONS","MENS SHOES & ACCESSORIES"],"price":["2650.00","1120.00"],"season":["AW(2017)","SS(2017)"],"hash":["CASUAL","CHINOS","COLOUR","DESIGNER","HORSE","LEATHER","RICH","ROUND","ROUND TOE","SMOOTH","STAPLE","TAILORED","CRAFTED"]},"name":"PENNY LOAFER MOCCASS","description":"A classic, staple style, these penny loafers from Antonio Maurizi are crafted in Italy from smooth leather. Saturated in rich dark brown, this pair can be styled with a pair of casual chinos or tailored pants.","brand":"ANTONIO MAURIZI","mainImage":"https://abc.jpg","styleCode":"111","availableOnline":false,"sellingPrice":2650}