I have a folder full of zip files. Those zip files sometimes contain zip files, that sometimes contain zip files within them, and so on. I am trying to write a batch file that I can paste into the top folder containing all the zips, and when it runs it will unzip all the nested zip files, and within sub-directories, all the way down, and delete the zips once they have been successfully extracted. The full file paths need to be preserved. If there is an error and a file cannot be extracted then it should not be deleted and the file and file path need to be printed to a text file.
So far I have this:
SET source=%cd%
FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%F IN ('DIR /S /B "%source%\*.zip"') DO "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x "%%~fF" -o"%%~pF\"
Which I can drop into a folder and run, it will unzip the first level of zips but none of the nested zips inside. That's the first hurdle.
The next hurdle would be to delete the successfully extracted zips. And last, not to delete any zips that could not be extracted and print their name and/or path to a text file.
Any suggestions or chunks of code are appreciated. Or if there's a better way to do this entirely.
**** UPDATED ****
Mofi posted an answer that looks like it's working except for one piece:
When a ZIP is extracted, it needs to be extracted to a folder with the same name, so I can still follow the structure.
Starting Example:
[Top Level Folder Holding Zips] (folder)
---Folder1 (folder)
Needs to become this:
[Top Level Folder Holding Zips] (folder)
--ExampleZip (folder)
--ExampleZip2 (folder)
---Folder1 (folder)
----ExampleZip3 (folder)
---ExampleZip4 (folder)
So the full structure is still visible.
I think the top answer in this question shows what I need to include: Extract zip contents into directory with same name as zip file, retain directory structure
This part:
SET "filename=%~1"
SET dirName=%filename:~0,-4%
7z x -o"%dirName%" "%filename%"
Needs to be smashed in there somewhere. Or it seems like there should be a switch for 7Zip that does it, since you can do this from the context menu with "Extract to *" I thought that's what the "extract with full paths" command does but that must have something to do with the -o switch, specifying output path? How do I specify the output path to be a folder with the same name as the input zip? Or merge the answer from that question I linked with Mofi's answer?
I thought there was an issue with the batch file ignoring ZIP files with underscores in the name, but that was a coincidence and it was actually ignoring ZIP files without the Archive file attribute set.
Mofi suggested another fix for that which worked, but the batch file is not extracting nested zips that needed the Archive file attribute set.
This does kind of work, in that I can manually execute the batch file a few times and it will work it's way through everything in the folder, but the loop calculation does not seem to work, or is calculating/terminating before the batch file sets the Archive attribute for all zip files?
Here is the current version I'm working with:
@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "ErrorOutput="
set "LoopCount=20"
rem The current directory is used on batch file being called without
rem a base folder path or with just one or more double quotes.
set "BaseFolder=%~1"
if defined BaseFolder set "BaseFolder=%BaseFolder:"=%"
if not defined BaseFolder set "BaseFolder=%CD%" & goto VerifyFolderPath
rem Make sure the folder path contains backslashes and not forward slashes
rem and does not contain wildcard characters or redirection operators or a
rem horizontal tab character after removing all double quotes.
set "BaseFolder=%BaseFolder:/=\%"
for /F "delims=*?|<> " %%I in ("%BaseFolder%") do if not "%BaseFolder%" == "%%I" (
echo ERROR: %~nx0 must be called with a valid folder path.
echo "%~1" is not a valid folder path.
set "ErrorOutput=1"
goto EndBatch
rem Get full folder path in case of the folder was specified with
rem a relative path. If the folder path references the root of a
rem drive like on using "C:\" or just "\", redefine the folder
rem path with full path for root of the (current) drive.
for %%I in ("%BaseFolder%") do set "BaseFolder=%%~fI"
rem The base folder path must end with a backslash for verification.
if not "%BaseFolder:~-1%" == "\" set "BaseFolder=%BaseFolder%\"
rem Verify the existence of the folder. The code above processed also
rem folder paths of folders not existing at all and also invalid folder
rem paths containing for example a colon not (only) after drive letter.
if not exist "%BaseFolder%" (
echo ERROR: Folder "%BaseFolder%" does not exist.
set "ErrorOutput=1"
goto EndBatch
rem Make sure to process all ZIP files existing in base folder and all
rem its subfolders by setting archive file attribute on all ZIP files.
%SystemRoot%\System32\attrib.exe +A /S "%BaseFolder%*.zip"
rem Process all *.zip files found in base folder and all its subfolders
rem which have the archive file attribute set. *.zip files with archive
rem file attribute not set are ignored to avoid an endless running loop
rem if a ZIP archive file cannot be extracted successfully with reason(s)
rem output by 7-Zip or if the ZIP file cannot be deleted after successful
rem extraction of the archive. The archive extraction loop runs are limited
rem additionally by a loop counter as defined at top of the batch file for
rem 100% safety on prevention of an endless loop execution.
set "ArchiveProcessed="
for /F "delims=" %%I in ('dir "%BaseFolder%*.zip" /AA-D /B /S 2^>nul') do (
set "ArchiveProcessed=1"
echo Extracting archive: "%%I"
"%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -bd -bso0 -o"%%~dpnI\" -spd -y -- "%%I"
if errorlevel 255 set "ErrorOutput=1" & goto EndBatch
if errorlevel 1 (
set "ErrorOutput=1"
%SystemRoot%\System32\attrib.exe -A "%%I"
) else (
del /A /F "%%I"
if exist "%%I" (
echo ERROR: Failed to delete: "%%I"
set "ErrorOutput=1"
%SystemRoot%\System32\attrib.exe -A "%%I"
if not defined ArchiveProcessed goto EndBatch
set /A LoopCount-=1
if not LoopCount == 0 goto ExtractArchives
if defined ErrorOutput echo/& pause
echo If no errors are displayed above, everything extracted successfully. Remember to delete the batch file once you are done.
It is rare that there would be maybe 10 or 20 layers of nested zips, so a quick and dirty fix may be just somehow looping the whole batch file 10 or 20 times, unless that is a bad idea or there is a more elegant way to do it.