I'm creating a database using mysql and im trying to insert values into it but its not working. Can someone show me the error of my ways, its probably a really small common error I'm making.
create table cars (
Car_VIN CHAR(17),
Car_model CHAR(20),
Car_year int,
Car_make char(20),
Current_Mileage int,
Car_price int,
Car_bodytype char(20),
Car_color char(20),
Car_trim char(20),
Car_additionaloptions char(200),
primary key (Car_VIN));
insert into cars values ('JF1SF65611H734114','Model 3',2020,'Tesla',37990,'Sedan','White','Base','None');
Error: ERROR 1136 (21S01): Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
is not a cgood choice for a data type. – Gordon Linoff