
I've spent the last few hours working on retrieving the contents of a JSON and puts it into an array. Now that I've finally got it, I have no idea how to get the variable "students" that contains the array. I want to be able to return this variable back to the viewDidLoad function. Can you please help?

class ViewController: UIViewController {

struct Student: Decodable {
    let Name: String?
    let Gender: String
    let SRT, RST, Accuracy: Double
    let AttentionLevel: Int
    let FavoriteSubject, LeastFavoriteSubject: String


struct Student: Decodable {
    let Name: String
    let Score: Int
override func viewDidLoad() {



func getJSONFromOnline(){
    let jsonURLString = "insert example URL String here" //(I'm using a GitHub Pages site to host the students' data)
    let url = URL(string: jsonURLString)
    URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url!){
        (data, response, err) in
        guard let data = data else {return}
        do {
            let students = try JSONDecoder().decode([Student].self, from: data)
            //How do I get this ^^^ variable back to the viewDidLoad function?
        catch let jsonErr{
            print("error serializing", jsonErr)



1 Answers


Add an @escaping completion block to the getJSONFromOnline method and use the closure block the get the students in viewDidLoad.

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {

        getJSONFromOnline { students in
            print("got students", students)

    func getJSONFromOnline(completion: @escaping ([Student]) -> Void) {
        let students = try JSONDecoder().decode([Student].self, from: data)

Add-on: It would be better to name the method some a bit more specific, like getStudents or fetchStudents. Also, move the struct Student declaration outside of the ViewCotroller.