
In x86-64, will certain instructions execute faster if some general purpose registers are preferred over others?

For instance, would mov eax, ecx execute faster than mov r8d, ecx? I can imagine that the latter would need a REX prefix which would make the instruction fetch slower?

What about using rax instead of rcx? What about add or xor? Other operations? Smaller registers like r15b vs al? al vs ah?

AMD vs Intel? Newer processors? Older processors? Combinations of instructions?

Clarification: Should certain general purpose registers be preferred over others, and which ones are they?

The only difference I know of is that some instructions have smaller encodings if certain registers are used. For instance, add al, 7; add dl, 7; add r12b, 7 are 2, 3, 4 bytes respectively, the last due to the REX prefix as you note. This may slow down the time to fetch the instructions, or waste cache space, but I'm not aware that it makes any difference in the time to actually execute the instructions.Nate Eldredge
My understanding is that the machine has a large number of anonymous internal registers, onto which the architectural registers are mapped in a dynamic fashion (register renaming), so I can't think of any way that any one architectural register could be inherently faster than any other.Nate Eldredge
And in code that will interact with higher-level languages, there are the register saving conventions to consider. This may mean that rbx is "slower" than rcx simply because you would have to save and restore it at the start and end of your function. Or it can go the other way; if you call many other functions, rbx may end up being faster because you don't have to save and restore it around every function call you make. But that's nothing to do with the machine itself, of course.Nate Eldredge
On (nearly all) modern systems with register renaming, the CPU isn't really using your register names anyway - it will gladly use another General Purpose register to avoid stalls for you.Michael Dorgan

3 Answers


LEA will be slower with EBP, RBP, or R13 as the base (PDF warning, page 3-22). But generally the answer is No.

Taking a step back, it's important to realize that since the advent of register renaming that architectural registers don't deal with actual, physical registers on most micro-architectures. For example, each Cascade Lake core has a register file of 180 integer and 168 FP registers.


In general, architectural registers are all equal, and renamed onto a large array of physical registers.

(Except partial registers can be slower, especially high-byte AH/BH/CH/DH which are slow to read after writing the full register, on Haswell and later. See How exactly do partial registers on Haswell/Skylake perform? Writing AL seems to have a false dependency on RAX, and AH is inconsistent and also Why doesn't GCC use partial registers? for problems when writing 8-bit and 16-bit registers). The rest of this answer is just going to consider 32/64-bit operand-size.)

But some instruction require specific registers, like legacy variable-count shifts (without BMI2 shrx etc) require the count in CL. Division requires the dividend in EDX:EAX (or RDX:RAX for the slower 64-bit version).

Using a call-preserved register like RBX means your function has to spend extra instructions saving/restoring it.

But of course there are perf differences if you need more instructions. So lets assume all else is equal, and just talk about the uops, latency, and code-size of a single instruction just by changing which register is used for one of its operands. TL:DR: the only perf difference is due to instruction-encoding restrictions / differences. Sometimes a different register will allow / require (or get the assembler to pick) a different encoding, which will often be smaller / larger as a special case, and sometimes even executes differently.

Generally smaller code is faster, and packs better in the uop cache and I-cache, so unless you've analyzed a specific case and found a problem, favour the smaller encoding. Often that means keeping a byte value in AL so you can use those special-case instructions, and avoiding RBP / R13 for pointers.

Special cases where a specific encoding is extra slow, not just size

LEA with RBP or R13 as a base can be slower on Intel if the addressing mode didn't already have a +displacement constant.

e.g. lea eax, [rbp + 12] is encodeable as-written, and is just as fast as lea eax, [rcx + 12].

But lea eax, [rbp + rcx*4] can only be encoded in machine code as lea eax, [rbp + rcx*4 + 0] (because of addressing mode escape-code stuff), which is a 3-component LEA, and thus slower on Intel (3 cycle latency on Sandybridge-family instead of 1 cycle, see https://agner.org/optimize/ instruction tables and microarch PDF). On AMD, having a scaled-index would already make it a slow-LEA even with lea eax, [rdx + rcx*4]

Outside of LEA, using RBP / R13 as the base in any addressing mode always requires a disp8/32 byte or dword, but I don't think the actual AGUs are slower for a 3-component addressing mode. So it's just a code-size effect.

Other cases include Which Intel microarchitecture introduced the ADC reg,0 single-uop special case? where the short-form 2-byte encoding for adc al, imm8 is 2 uops even on modern uarches like Skylake, where adc bl, imm8 is 1 uop.

So not only does the adc reg,0 special case not work for adc al,0 on Sandybridge through Haswell, Broadwell and newer forgot (or chose not to) optimize how that encoding decodes to uops. (Of course you could manually encode adc al,0 using the 3-byte Mod/RM encoding, but assemblers will always pick the shortest encoding so adc al,0 will assemble to the short form by default.) Only a problem with byte registers; adc eax,0 will use the opcode ModRM imm8 3-byte encoding, not 5-byte opcode imm32.

For other cases of op al,imm8, the only difference is code-size, which only indirectly matters for performance. (Because of decoding, uop-cache packing, and I-cache misses).

See Tips for golfing in x86/x64 machine code for more about special cases of code-size, like xchg eax, ecx being 1-byte vs. xchg edx, ecx being 2 bytes.

add rsp, 8 can need an extra stack-sync uop if there hasn't been an explicit use of RSP or ESP since the last push/pop/call/ret (along the path of execution of course, not in the static code layout). (What is the stack engine in the Sandybridge microarchitecture?). This is why compilers like clang use a dummy push or pop to reserve / free a single stack slot: Why does this function push RAX to the stack as the first operation?


You have stuffed too many questions altogether, however, if I understood the question well, you are confusing the processor architecture with the small but fast Register file, which fills in the speed gap between the processor and memory technologies. The register file is small enough that it can only support one instruction at a time, i.e. the current instruction, and fast enough that it can almost catch up with the processor speed.

I would like to build a short background, the naming conventions of these registers serves two purposes: one, it makes the older versions of the x86 ISA implementations compatible up till now, and two, every name of these registers has a special purpose to it besides its general purpose use. For example, the ECX register is used as a counter to implement loops i.e. instructions like JECXZ and LOOP uses ECX register exclusively. Though you need to watch out for some flags that you would not want to lose.

And now the answer to your question stems from the second purpose. So some registers would seem to be faster because these special registers are hardcoded into the processor and can be accessed much quicker, however, the difference should not be much.

And the second thing that you might know, not all instructions are of the same complexity, especially in x86, the opcode of instructions can be from 1-3 bytes and as more and more functionality is added to the instruction in terms of, prefixes, addressing modes, etc. these instructions start to become slower, So it is not the case that some registers are slower than other, it is just that some registers are encoded into the instruction and therefore those instructions run faster with that combination of register. And if otherwise used, it would seem slower. I hope that helps. Thanks