I am trying to get all of the documents in one collection named 'repeated_tasks' in my Firebase Function.
I tried using the following code: Is it possible to get all documents in a Firestore Cloud Function?, but this does not seem to work for me. I am trying to get the information, so that I can update every document in the collection, to set one field, to false. I have the following code:
exports.finishedUpdate = functions.pubsub.schedule('0 3 * * *').timeZone('Europe/Amsterdam').onRun((context) => {
// This is part of the above mentioned stack question
var citiesRef = database.collection('repeated_tasks');
const snapshot = citiesRef.get();
snapshot.forEach(doc => {
console.log(doc.id, '=>', doc.data());
// A way to update all of the documents in the repeated_tasks collection has to be found
// This part works, for only the two given document ids
var list = ['qfrxHTZAJZTJDQpA83fjsM03159438695', 'qfrxHTZAJZQTpM3pA83fjsM0315217389'];
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
database.doc('repeated_tasks/' + list[i]).update({'finished': false});
return console.log("Done");
Help is much appreciated, as I can't seem to find any related information anywhere, except for the stack overflow page, which didn't help. I am using Node JS (Javascript) to set the functions.