I have been working on transitioning a small Firebase project to the new, similar Firestore db because of its more queryable nature, but I am having a trouble with a simple query problem.
I am trying to get all documents in a collection, in the case each document is a club and the collection is all of the clubs.
In Firebase, I was able to do something like:
export function fetchClubs() {
const Club = firestore.ref('clubs');
return dispatch => {
Club.on('value', snapshot => {
payload: snapshot.val()
would have all the information i needed inside of it.
I am trying to replicate this with Firestore, but have an only been able to come across a solution that involves making a new array and looping over the results then adding each result to that.
Here is my Firestore attempt using the slightly different Firestore syntax
export function fetchClubsStore() {
const Clubs = firestore.collection('clubs');
return dispatch => {
Clubs.get().then(querySnapshot => {
console.log("clubs snapshot: ", querySnapshot)
payload: querySnapshot.val()
If you have any ideas, all help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
(this is my first stackoverflow post, go easy! :) )
Example from Firestore docs of how to get all documents in a collection.
db.collection("cities").where("capital", "==", true)
.then(function(querySnapshot) {
querySnapshot.forEach(function(doc) {
console.log(doc.id, " => ", doc.data());
.catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error getting documents: ", error);
Edit 2:
My new solution to get the documents in a usable array by using .docs and .data() . Still seems inefficient, as I am having to loop over the doucments and extract the usable information one by one.
export function fetchClubsStore() {
const Clubs = firestore.collection('clubs');
var clubs = [];
return dispatch => {
Clubs.get().then(querySnapshot => {
console.log("clubs snapshot: ", querySnapshot.docs)
_.each(querySnapshot.docs, function(data){
payload: clubs
is invalid since there's no .val method on QuerySnapshot in Firestore. You might want .docs for the array of DocumentSnapshot objects in the QuerySnapshot or something, but it's not clear from your question. – Michael Lehenbauervar clubs = querySnapshot.docs.map(doc => doc.data());
to save a bit of code. – Michael Lehenbauer