I use tableplus for my general admin.
Currently using the docker postgres image at 10.3 for both production and localhost development.
Because tableplus upgraded their postgres 10 drivers to 10.5, I can no longer use pg_restore to restore the backup files which are dumped using 10.5 --format=custom
See image for how I backup using tableplus. And how it uses 10.5 driver
The error message I get is pg_restore: [archiver] unsupported version (1.14) in file header
What i tried
I tried in localhost to simply change the tag for postgres in my dockerfile from 10.3 to 10.5 and it didn't work
original dockerfile
FROM postgres:10.3
COPY ./maintenance /usr/local/bin/maintenance
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/maintenance/*
RUN mv /usr/local/bin/maintenance/* /usr/local/bin \
&& rmdir /usr/local/bin/maintenance
FROM postgres:10.5
COPY ./maintenance /usr/local/bin/maintenance
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/maintenance/*
RUN mv /usr/local/bin/maintenance/* /usr/local/bin \
&& rmdir /usr/local/bin/maintenance
My host system for development is macOS.
I have many existing databases and schemas in my development docker postgres. So I am currently stumped as to how to upgrade safely without destroying old data.
Can advise?
Also I think a long term is to figure out how to have data files outside the docker (i.e. inside my host system) so that everytime I want to upgrade my docker image for postgres I can do so safely without fear.
I like to ask about how to switch to such a setup as well.