
(Probably pepole are gonna complain that I'm stupid or whatever but anyways)

Hi, I have a problem regarding the OnCollisionExit2D function in Unity. I am making a 2D city-building style game and I started making electricity system for the buildings. It works like this: If there are no power plants nearby (they have radius colliders) then the electricityNeed bool on building within the radius turns true, when the power plant is destroyed/building not being in the radius, it should set it to false. For doing this I'm using the OnCollisionEnter2D (which works perfectly) and a OnCollisionExit2D. Below is the code responsible for switching the electricityNeed bool (It's in the building script).

    private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
            electricityNeed = true;

    private void OnCollisionExit2D(Collision2D collision)
            electricityNeed = false;
            Debug.Log("It should set electricityNeed to false.");

When the building is withing the range of a power plant it turns to true, but when the power plant dissappears, the bool is still true.

Both building and the power plant have a Non Kinematic rigidbody2D and a collider (power plant have a Circle2D one and the building has a Box2D collider.)

The power plant has the tag "Electricity" and i checked it multiple times.

If you want to help me but the info i sent here is not enough, then please inform me about it.

Thanks in advance.

In general rather use if(collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Electricity")) to avoid silent fails in case of typosderHugo
Thanks for the advice : ), sadly that didn't fix the problem.GraczBezNicku

1 Answers


For some reason deleting an object from hierarchy is not considered OnCollisionExit2D. When I fixed the problem with deleting the power plant building (The radius was considered an occupied building place) it suddenly works. I did it by creating a child object with a colider with tag "radius" which the Collision Detection needs to ignore when placing/deleting.

    private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
        colidingBuilding = collision.gameObject;
        if (colidingBuilding.tag.Equals("Radius"))
        isColliding = true;

If anyone experiences problem like this just try my answer.