(Probably pepole are gonna complain that I'm stupid or whatever but anyways)
Hi, I have a problem regarding the OnCollisionExit2D function in Unity. I am making a 2D city-building style game and I started making electricity system for the buildings. It works like this: If there are no power plants nearby (they have radius colliders) then the electricityNeed bool on building within the radius turns true, when the power plant is destroyed/building not being in the radius, it should set it to false. For doing this I'm using the OnCollisionEnter2D (which works perfectly) and a OnCollisionExit2D. Below is the code responsible for switching the electricityNeed bool (It's in the building script).
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
electricityNeed = true;
private void OnCollisionExit2D(Collision2D collision)
electricityNeed = false;
Debug.Log("It should set electricityNeed to false.");
When the building is withing the range of a power plant it turns to true, but when the power plant dissappears, the bool is still true.
Both building and the power plant have a Non Kinematic rigidbody2D and a collider (power plant have a Circle2D one and the building has a Box2D collider.)
The power plant has the tag "Electricity" and i checked it multiple times.
If you want to help me but the info i sent here is not enough, then please inform me about it.
Thanks in advance.
to avoid silent fails in case of typos – derHugo