A question about MQTT publish and subscribe, different topics from same device. Is it considered bad form or practice in using different topics for publish and subscribe, or should the same topic be used and the payload delta used to qualify functionality not just via topic alone? In other words:
Method 1:
Device 1, Publish Topic A, Payload Null
Device 1, Subscribe Topic B, Payload Null
Method 2
Device 1, Publish Topic A, Payload 'some task'
Device 1, Subscribe Topic A, Payload 'some task task'
As far as I can tell, given the examples I have seen, method 1 is the best practice methodology. But has anyone even used method 2 or something like it?
for two different devices, method 2 would make sense, but on a single device, only method 1 seems appropriate. Not sure I see a scenario that a subscriber would subscribe to its own publisher for the exact same topic.