
I am new to Robot framework and MQTT. I have brought up a subscriber/publisher setup using mosquitto. I have written a code to publish to a subscribed topic. The code for Publish is working fine and I am able to see the output in the subscriber window. However, the subscribe keyword is not working for me.

I have tried both Subscribe and subscribe and validate. For the former, I am getting Messages=[], and for the latter 'The expected payload didn't arrive in the topic'. The screenshot of the codes are attached.

Subscribe and get messages
    Subscribe   MQTTtest2   qos=2   timeout=1   limit=0
    I Publish an MQTT request
    ${messages}=    Subscribe   MQTTtest2   qos=2   timeout=5   limit=0
    log to console  Messages=${messages}

I Publish an MQTT request
    publish  MQTTtest2   testmessage  2  ${false}

[Tags]  mqtt
[Setup]     Connect
I SUBSCRIBE to a Topic
[Teardown]  Disconnect

I SUBSCRIBE to a Topic
#connect  ${MQTT.hostname}
subscribe and validate  ${MQTT.topic}  ${MQTT.qos}  ${MQTT.message}  5

Can you please let me know what I am doing wrong? Subscribe Publish

Can you please add the code as a code block in text. Screenshots shouldn't be used for this. This can be achieved through the edit functionality of your question.A. Kootstra
Hi, I have added the code block. In it, the publish is working fine as can be seen from the Publish Screenshotaswathy
If I'm correct you're using the MQTTLibrary (GitHub) and there are several example files in the source test folder that might be interesting to look at.A. Kootstra
I had also tried the exact codes in test folder. Same output.aswathy

2 Answers


Subscribe and Validate seems to be working now.

    *** Variable ***
${mqtt-path}    ABCD
${message-payload}  MQTT-Test-2.robot payload1 test message from RobotFramework
${message-payload2}  MQTT-Test-2.robot payload2 test message from RobotFramework

*** Keywords ***
Subscribe And Get Messages
    Subscribe   topic=${mqtt-path}  qos=2   timeout=5   limit=0
    #I Publish An MQTT Request
    Publish     topic=${mqtt-path}    message=${message-payload}
    ${messages}=    Subscribe    topic=${mqtt-path}   qos=1   timeout=5   limit=0
    Log To Console  Messages=${messages}

Subscribe And Validate Messages
    Subscribe   topic=${mqtt-path}  qos=2   timeout=5   limit=0
    #I Publish An MQTT Request
    Publish     topic=${mqtt-path}    message=${message-payload2}    
    ${messages}=    Subscribe And Validate    topic=${mqtt-path}   qos=1   timeout=5    payload=${message-payload2}
    Log To Console  Messages=${messages}    

Publish An MQTT Request
    Publish     topic=${mqtt-path}    message=${message-payload}

*** Test Cases ***
MQTT test
    [Tags]  mqtt
    [Setup]  Connect
    Publish An MQTT Request
    Subscribe And Get Messages
    Subscribe And Validate Messages
    [Teardown]  Disconnect


MQTT-Test-3 :: This is a MQTT test project: MQTT-Test-2.robot that explores...

MQTT test ..Messages=['MQTT-Test-2.robot payload1 test message from RobotFramework'] .Messages=None

MQTT test | PASS |

MQTT-Test-3 :: This is a MQTT test project: MQTT-Test-2.robot that... | PASS | 1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed

1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed


You have to connect to the broker in case of subscribe operation too with the Connect keyword.

Currently you have not established connection before any of the Subscribe keywords. In your I Publish an MQTT request you do a connect so that succeeds, but then you do a disconnect as well so the next subscribe fails again.

If you modify your test like this:

*** Keywords ***
Subscribe And Get Messages
    Subscribe   topic=MQTTtest2   qos=2   timeout=5   limit=0
    I Publish An MQTT Request
    ${messages}=    Subscribe   topic=MQTTtest2   qos=2   timeout=5   limit=0
    Log To Console  Messages=${messages}

I Publish An MQTT Request
    Publish  topic=MQTTtest2   testmessage  2  ${false}

*** Test Cases ***
MQTT test
    [Tags]  mqtt
    [Setup]     Connect
    Subscribe And Get Messages
    [Teardown]  Disconnect

It should work correctly:

Robot Framework.My Test
MQTT test                                                             .Messages=[b'testmessage']
MQTT test                                                             | PASS |

Also it seems the MQTT library registers as a new client with each Connect so if you do separate connect/disconnect for each subscribe and publish, that probably won't work for you as you would expect.