Question: What is the proper syntax for querying a COSMOS DB using the SQL API when dashes are used in the property name?
Error: Failed to query item for container appointment: {"code":400,"body":{"code":"BadRequest","message":"Gateway Failed to Retrieve Query Plan: Message: {"errors":[{"severity":"Error","location":{"start":7,"end":8},"code":"SC1001","message":"Syntax error, incorrect syntax near
This query works SELECT a.ID FROM accesspoint a
This query fails SELECT a.Point-Name FROM accesspoint a
What I've tried: I tried wrapping the value in double quotes, single quotes, (), <> Could not find any documentation on the use of dashes in the name
SELECT a.[Point-Name]...
). That's Microsoft's default quoting mechanism for SQL Server. Probably for CosmosDB as well(?) – Bill Jetzer