
Using the Cosmos DB SQL API in the Cosmos SDK v3, I'm attempting to query the projects container, which has an /organization partition key.

var cosmosDb = await Storage.GetCosmosDb();
var queryDefinition = new QueryDefinition($"SELECT * FROM projects project WHERE project.organization = '{CurrentUser.Organization}'");
var queryRequestOptions = new QueryRequestOptions
    PartitionKey = new PartitionKey("organization"),
var projectsQuery = cosmosDb.Containers[typeof(Project)]
    .GetItemQueryIterator<Project>(queryDefinition, null, queryRequestOptions);
var projects = new List<Project>();
while (projectsQuery.HasMoreResults)
    projects.AddRange(await projectsQuery.ReadNextAsync());

The result of this is an error:

Response status code does not indicate success: 400 Substatus: 0 Reason: (Response status code does not indicate success: 400 Substatus: 0 Reason: (Gateway Failed to Retrieve Query Plan: Unknown QueryFeatures: NonValueAggregateActivityId: ceb5a509-36a0-4e20-87cd-32b6425dc757, Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Common/, Windows/10.0.18362 cosmos-netstandard-sdk/3.2.1).).

Am I missing something obvious? What does this error mean?

Which SDK version are you using and are you running against a live account or the emulator?Matias Quaranta
@MatiasQuaranta I'm using v3 and running against the emulator.Scotty H
It seems like your Emulator might be old, can you try uninstalling and downloading the latest version?Matias Quaranta
@MatiasQuaranta updated from 2.4.5 to 2.5.6 just now, and I still have that error. Restarted the computer. Any other ideas?Scotty H
This problem seems to be isolated to querying. I am able to insert.Scotty H

3 Answers


Updating the CosmosDB Emulator to the last version should fix the issue.

I had the issue with 2.4.5 and don't have it anymore with 2.5.7.


This has been detected as an issue on SDK 3.2.0 when running in x86: https://github.com/Azure/azure-cosmos-dotnet-v3/issues/856

Current workaround is to run in x64 when working with the Emulator.

It should be fixed in the upcoming 3.2.1 release.


For me, it was the scaling mode that was Manual in a collection, updated it to Autoscale, like the container setting and it worked.