Run across a very strange issue that I am curious about. In Excel, I was doing a VLOOKUP to match contact names with a unique ID found in another database. Formula for example: =VLOOKUP(B2,Sheet2!A:B,2,TRUE), very basic. I used approx. match but, of course, some instances still returned #N/A. However, I did double checks with a quick control-F and found a number of instances returning NA when there was in fact a (exact) match. I was troubleshooting and trying a number of things but nothing was working. Many checks confirmed the cells were equal, there was nothing tricky like hidden characters, very peculiar. Anyway, on a whim I changed from approximate match to exact match and lo and behold it worked! The VLOOKUP was returning the correct value.
I'm trying to understand why this is. Obviously if you were requiring an exact match but there was only an approx. match it would return NA. But it doesn't make sense the other way around. An exact match should be returned when allowing even approx. matches! So just trying to understand what is going on behind the scene in VLOOKUP/Excel to make this phenomenon occur.
Appreciate any insight!
as the forth criterion, otherwise you run the chance of errors. – Scott Craner