Cell A1: 0553400710 
Cell A2: John
Cell B1: ['0553400710', '0553439406']


  1. List item Cell B1 has a fixed format of ['number','number,'number',...... ]
  2. A1 and A2 are user input values

I want to match 0553400710 in Cell A1 with ['0553400710', '0553439406'] in Cell B1.

If it matches, I want to return A2: John.

Is it possible?

Vlookup failed to work by the way. I am looking for some technique which uses the advantage of fixed format

Picture 1: This is the formula i have tried


Picture 2: This is the table where the vlookup is showing wrong values

enter image description here

Picture 3: This is the array where vlookup check

enter image description here

Welcome to SO! Would you please edit your question to include what formulas you already tried, and what results you had? A screenshot of your spreadsheet would also be helpful in visualizing the problem. Thank you!cxw
@Joanne you can use Instr function to check if the sub-string in Cell A1 is found at Cell B1.Shai Rado
I have updated the picturesJoanne

2 Answers


Going by the sample data (and references) in your narrative and ignoring the image(s), a simple wildcard match should be sufficient.

=IFERROR(INDEX(A:A, MATCH("*"&A1&"*",B:B, 0)+1), "")



Have you tried index/match?
