Cell A1: 0553400710
Cell A2: John
Cell B1: ['0553400710', '0553439406']
- List item Cell B1 has a fixed format of
['number','number,'number',...... ]
- A1 and A2 are user input values
I want to match 0553400710 in Cell A1 with ['0553400710', '0553439406'] in Cell B1.
If it matches, I want to return A2: John.
Is it possible?
Vlookup failed to work by the way. I am looking for some technique which uses the advantage of fixed format
Picture 1: This is the formula i have tried
Picture 2: This is the table where the vlookup is showing wrong values
Picture 3: This is the array where vlookup check
function to check if the sub-string in Cell A1 is found at Cell B1. – Shai Rado