I am using Photon PUN for multiplayer and instantiating GameObjects (OtherCraft) from a prefab as players enter, and destroying them as they leave - or rather, the destroy doesn't work. The relevant code is as follows:
The prefab is loaded in Start(), and there is a dictionary to hold references to the instantiations as they happen (Other craft is simply a cube with mesh and script right now):
Dictionary<int, OtherCraft>
otherCrafts = new Dictionary<int, OtherCraft>();
.... // the following in Start()
tmp = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/OtherCraft", typeof(GameObject));
otherCraftPrefab = null;
if (tmp == null)
Debug.Log("Failed to load prefab for other craft");
otherCraftPrefab = tmp.GetComponent<OtherCraft>();
When a new entrant is a notified by an OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player newPlayer), a new craft is created and added to the dictionary:
otherCraft = Instantiate(otherCraftPrefab, new Vector3(0,1,0), Quaternion.identity);
otherCrafts.Add(newPlayer.ActorNumber, otherCraft);
Debug.Log("Other craft instantiated - " + otherCraft.getNickName() + ", ActorNumber=" + otherCraft.getActorNumber());
The Debug.Log line shows it was all OK (Created craft - OtherCraft(Clone) (OtherCraft): nick2, ActorNumber=2
), the right ActorNumber etc, and it shows up in the game view and hierachy OK.
When notified of player leaving by OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player exPlayer)
, it references the entry in the dictionary and gets rid of it again:
otherCraft = otherCrafts[exPlayer.ActorNumber];
int actorNumber = otherCraft.getActorNumber();
string nickName = otherCraft.getNickName();
Debug.Log("Recovered craft - " + otherCraft.ToString() + ": " + nickName + ", ActorNumber=" + actorNumber);
Except it doesn't, it is still there in the game view and hierachy. The Debug.Log line also shows wrong information (Recovered craft - OtherCraft(Clone) (OtherCraft): , ActorNumber=0
). It got the wrong thing back from the dictionary.
Cannot see what I have done wrong?
is correct (should be2
right?) Also the nickname seems to be empty ... – derHugo