
I have included an $emit in an axios post of a child component as follows.

 axios.post('/api/register', qdata)
  .then((response) => {
   this.$emit('userUpdated', response.data)

In the parent component, I have a div element in the html code containing a v-on, which refers to the userUpdated of the $emit.

 <div id="username" v-on:userUpdated="nameUpddated($event)">

Finally, the script section of the parent contains the following function called by the v-on.

nameUpddated: function (updatedUser) {
  this.userid = updatedUser

I have validated that the axios returns a proper value in the Child component. However, the function in the parent never gets called.

Does div id="username" is a child component?Anatoly
Thank you Anatoly. No, the id does not correspond to the child component.JF0001

1 Answers


In your parent component use child component name instead of div.

Edit: I also added v-if to conditionally show the component.

 <child-component v-if="isVisible" id="username" v-on:userUpdated="nameUpddated($event)">

Also, you need to add a data property to show the component conditionally (initially hidden).

   data () {
        return {
            isVisible: false

Now, it is up to you at what point you want to show the child component. You would simply change isVisible to true.

After making this change, it should work as expected.

Note: please remember to register the child component properly as well in your parent component:

import childComponent from '@/components/childComponent'

export default {
    components: {