I'm pretty new to Vue.js, and I use ES6 syntax with vue-class-component
. I'm having a problem while trying to emit an event from a child to its parent.
I followed the logic of the default Vue.js syntax but can't seem to have my parent catch an event emitted by the the child. Code:
Child Component
I attached a click event listener on every <li>
, which calls a function that emits an event. The event listener is defined on the parent.
export default class HorizontalNavigation {
handleClick (e) {
// console.log(e.target.dataset.section);
this.$emit('ChangeView', e.target.dataset.section);
render (h) {
return (
<div class={ style.horizontalNavigation } >
<div class='sections-wrapper'>
<div class={ style.sections }>
<li><a on-click={ this.handleClick } href='#1' data-section='1' class='selected'>We are</a></li>
<li><a on-click={ this.handleClick } href='#2' data-section='2'>Services</a></li>
<li><a on-click={ this.handleClick } href='#3' data-section='3'>Cases</a></li>
<li><a on-click={ this.handleClick } href='#4' data-section='4'>Studio</a></li>
<li><a on-click={ this.handleClick } href='#5' data-section='5'>Career</a></li>
<li><a on-click={ this.handleClick } href='#6' data-section='6'>Contact</a></li>
<span class='filling-line' aria-hidden='true'></span>
Parent Component
export default class ViewsContainer {
ChangeView (data) {
render (h) {
return (
<div class={ style.restrictOverflow } >
<HorizontalNavigation />
<main class={ style.viewsContainer } on-ChangeView={ this.ChangeView } >
<SingleView dataSection='weare' id='1' class='selected' />
<SingleView dataSection='services' id='2' />
<SingleView dataSection='cases' id='3' />
<SingleView dataSection='studio' id='4' />
<SingleView dataSection='career' id='5' />
<SingleView dataSection='contact' id='6' />
Following the vue.js syntax, I should be able to listen to the child's event from the parent, by emitting the event from the element, but the parent doesn't seem to catch the event.
Where am I going wrong?