c# - IconPath not exsist - Stack Overflow
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When I'm searching for a IsSystemSoundsSession I can't find the IconPath provided. On my system (Windows 10 1909). I'm getting IconPath @%SystemRoot%\\System32\\AudioSrv.Dll,-203 This file doesn't exist. (yes I expanded the variable for this, but that resolves to @C:\Windows\System32\AudioSrv.dll (notice the '@').

Found a solution. The file that I'm searching for is located in C:\Windows\System32\AudioSrv.dll. Notice how there is an @ part as first character? It looks like that is the problem. Not sure if this is a problem with NAudio or Windows API.

IconPath System Sound

Code to retrieve the IconPath

            MMDeviceEnumerator enumerator = new MMDeviceEnumerator();
            var devices = enumerator.EnumerateAudioEndPoints(DataFlow.All, DeviceState.Active);

            foreach (var device in devices)
                var sessions = device.AudioSessionManager.Sessions;
                for (int i = 0; i < sessions.Count; i++)
                    var session = sessions[i];
                    var iconPath = session.IconPath;
                    // iconPath == '@%SystemRoot%\\System32\\AudioSrv.Dll,-203'

    You could hardcode c:\windows\system32 instead, but actually you don't really know that location. That is where the environment variable %systemroot% comes in.

    Your @ string is a path name containing this environment variable. You cannot open it as a file, first the variable need be resolved, consider:

     string trueIconPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables( iconPath.Substring(1))

    The outcome will probably be: c:\windows\system32\AudioSrv.dll as intended for your machine.. on my PC it would become f:\cfg1\Windows\System32\AudioSrv.dll

    Refer for more info: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.environment.expandenvironmentvariables?view=netcore-3.1

    • I know that I can expand the Variable, and remove the 1ste character. But when I ask the Speaker IconPath I get a valid Path. It looks like that '@' character has a special meaning, but can't find that anywhere what it is. I will edit my answer to clarify that I know of the expanded enviormentvariables :)
      – P-Storm
      Jun 22 2020 at 6:59
    • I have no idea why the @ is there P-Storm, suppose the filename is marked because it contains environment variable(s) ? Your complaint was the filename as given did not open properly. I have answered your question, because you suggest in your opening, that hardcoding c:\windows\system32 is a solution. It is not. Please dont change your question on the fly.. use the Edit option only to change the opening text for clarification, or to denote information from answers given. Like my answer.
      – Goodies
      Jun 22 2020 at 12:21

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    1 Answers


    You could hardcode c:\windows\system32 instead, but actually you don't really know that location. That is where the environment variable %systemroot% comes in.

    Your @ string is a path name containing this environment variable. You cannot open it as a file, first the variable need be resolved, consider:

     string trueIconPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables( iconPath.Substring(1))

    The outcome will probably be: c:\windows\system32\AudioSrv.dll as intended for your machine.. on my PC it would become f:\cfg1\Windows\System32\AudioSrv.dll

    Refer for more info: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.environment.expandenvironmentvariables?view=netcore-3.1